The post Stress & the Dental Team first appeared on 4everlearning.
]]>Stress affecting the Dental team is well known and in this course, the causes of stress and the physiology of the condition is covered in the first module.
In the second module, the science behind certain techniques such as meditation is discussed.
Suggestions for alleviating the causes of stress and reducing the contributing factors are also covered.
The causes of stress in the Dental Environment and suggestions for controlling it.
A. Effective communication with patients, the dental team, and others across dentistry, including when obtaining consent, dealing with complaints, and raising concerns when patients are at risk
B. Effective management of self, and effective management of others or effective work with others in the dental team, in the interests of patients at all times; providing constructive leadership where appropriate
Members can enrol now by logging in here, if you’re not yet a member you can register here.
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]]>The post COVID-19 Review of Guidance for Dental Practices first appeared on 4everlearning.
]]>COVID-19 is a pandemic with Dental teams being particularly at risk due to the close proximity of the patients and the operators. This course is an overview of this disease, its symptoms, how its spread, how the virus can kill.
Note: This course was first published on March 16th 2020. As the situation regarding COVID-19 remains fluid, updates to this course and its references will be made in due course should the science and/or guidance change. Please check back regularly for updates.
In three modules this course covers:
4everlearning has curated the latest guidance available at the time of publishing this course from sources of authority in this field. This course does not constitute advice or guidance from 4everlearning.
A Review of the Practical Guidance on COVID-19 for the Dental Team
A. Effective communication with patients, the dental team, and others across dentistry, including when obtaining consent, dealing with complaints, and raising concerns when patients are at risk
B. Effective management of self, and effective management of others or effective work with others in the dental team, in the interests of patients at all times; providing constructive leadership where appropriate
C. Maintenance and development of knowledge and skill within your field of practice
D. Maintenance of skills, behaviours and attitudes which maintain patient confidence in you and the dental profession and put patients’ interests first
Members can enrol now by logging in here, if you’re not yet a member you can register here.
The post COVID-19 Review of Guidance for Dental Practices first appeared on 4everlearning.
]]>The post Controlling Cross-Infection in the Dental Practice first appeared on 4everlearning.
]]>This course is suitable for all members of the Dental Practice team and is kindly provided in collaboration with Nuview.
It is split into three parts consisting of:
The course provides an overview of the relevant legislation surrounding dentistry in the UK and how to use Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) effectively.
The course also covers how to clean, sterilise and store instruments, and how to disinfect dental impressions appliances and dental unit waterlines.
To find out more about Nuview and the Continu products please click here
Nuview are the suppliers of Continu, providing the latest technology in infection control solutions. It is also very well established within the dental industry having been successfully used in practices since 2009.
Continu meets or exceeds EN test standards for effectiveness against a wide range of harmful micro-organisms including C.Difficile, E-Coli, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, HIV-1, Influenza A, Legionella, MRSA, Salmonella and TB among many others.
How long does it take to work ?
Contact times vary depending on the micro-organisms present but Continu has been independently tested to kill enveloped viruses like Hepatitis B or HIV and Mycobacterium such as TB within 2 minutes, Yeast and Fungi within a minute and bacteria within 30 seconds. This only tells part of the story, however, as Continu remains on the surface to provide a residual decontamination effect that inhibits future growth so it carries on working after application (unlike alcohol which evaporates away) to prevent harmful micro-organisms returning. Efficacy therefore improves with continued use.
The Continu range has been developed to help Practices achieve compliance from its alcohol-free ingredients to wall-mounted touch-free dispensers together with delivering solutions for disinfecting water lines and dental impressions that fulfil the requirements of HTM 01-05.
To find out more about Nuview and the Continu products please click here
Helping Dental Practices Achieve infection control compliance.
The course provides an overview of the relevant legislation surrounding dentistry in the UK and how to use Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) effectively.
The course also covers how to clean sterilise and store instruments and how to disinfect dental impressions appliances and dental unit waterlines.
C. Maintenance and development of knowledge and skill within your field of practice
Members can enrol now by logging in here, if you’re not yet a member you can register here.
The post Controlling Cross-Infection in the Dental Practice first appeared on 4everlearning.
]]>The post The Mental Capacity Act first appeared on 4everlearning.
]]>The Mental Capacity Act (MCA) is designed to protect and empower people who may lack the mental capacity to make their own decisions about their care and treatment. It applies to people aged 16 and over.
The MCA has been in force since 2007 and applies to England and Wales. The primary purpose of the MCA is to promote and safeguard decision-making within a legal framework.
This course is recommended for all members of the dental practice and is a collection of reading and video learning resources from the NHS and the Social Care Institute for Excellence. It is designed to help members of the practice be aware of Adult Safeguarding with regards to the MCA.
An overview of the Mental Care Act
A. Effective communication with patients, the dental team, and others across dentistry, including when obtaining consent, dealing with complaints, and raising concerns when patients are at risk
D. Maintenance of skills, behaviours and attitudes which maintain patient confidence in you and the dental profession and put patients’ interests first
Members can enrol now by logging in here, if you’re not yet a member you can register here.
The post The Mental Capacity Act first appeared on 4everlearning.
]]>The post Radiation protection in dentistry and dental radiology first appeared on 4everlearning.
]]>A presentation on essential radiation protection requirements in dental radiology, including a legal overview of the Ionising Radiations Regulations 1999 (IRR99) and Ionising Radiation (Medical Exposure) Regulations 2000 (IRMER 2000).
Guidance relating to instances where Radiation Protection Adviser (RPA) and Medical Physics Expert (MPE) consultation is required shall be given in the context of common practical changes in the dental field, such as new equipment, surgery layouts, and technology upgrades (such as film to digital, OPG, 3D or CBCT acquisitions).
Approaches to the practicalities of design, equipment handover and ongoing regulatory compliance will be reviewed along with caveats and pitfalls that might well be avoided!
Matt Ward, Radiation Protection Adviser, Integrated Radiological Services (IRS) Limited.
Matt Ward has worked in Medical Physics and Radiation Protection since 2002. He is an HCPC registered Clinical Scientist and certificated RPA2000 Radiation Protection Adviser. Matt works for Integrated Radiological Services (IRS) Limited who are the leading provider of independent radiation protection advice within the United Kingdom.
IRS has been providing radiation protection advice to dental practices since 1988. They remain at the forefront of developing new QA methods, advisory services, and information technology applications for the provision of radiation protection services across numerous sectors, including medical, dental, educational, industrial, utilities, construction and manufacturing.
Radiation protection in Dentistry.
To understand the essential radiation protection requirements in dental radiology, including a legal overview of the Ionising Radiations Regulations 1999 (IRR99)
C. Maintenance and development of knowledge and skill within your field of practice
D. Maintenance of skills, behaviours and attitudes which maintain patient confidence in you and the dental profession and put patients’ interests first
Members can enrol now by logging in here, if you’re not yet a member you can register here.
The post Radiation protection in dentistry and dental radiology first appeared on 4everlearning.
]]>The post Handling Patient Complaints first appeared on 4everlearning.
]]>In this short but powerful course, Dr.Toy covers how valuable well-handled complaints can be for the improvement of patient-focused services.
In particular the following topics are covered:
Dr Andy Toy MMedSci (Clinical Education) BDS MFGDP(UK) PGCert Mentoring in Dentistry RCS (Eng)
Andy says “The Dental Business Academy was founded in 2011 to help dental team members gain access to further education in a simple, cost-effective way. Our vison was to make it easy to fit professional development into their busy lives. Our courses are written and delivered by experts in dental education and have helped many hundreds of students improve their knowledge, skills and job prospects. Why not join them and make the most of your career in dentistry?’’
To find out more about the courses and services offered by the Dental Business Academy please click here
A brief introduction to handling complaints with emphasis on:
To learn how to effectively manage and lead a world-class team of people.
To gain an understanding of the importance of handling complaints effectively
To understand the regulations surrounding dental complaints
A. Effective communication with patients, the dental team, and others across dentistry, including when obtaining consent, dealing with complaints, and raising concerns when patients are at risk .
B. Effective management of self, and effective management of others or effective work with others in the dental team, in the interests of patients at all times; providing constructive leadership where appropriate.
D. Maintenance of skills, behaviours and attitudes which maintain patient confidence in you and the dental profession and put patients’ interests first.
Members can enrol now by logging in here, if you’re not yet a member you can register here.
The post Handling Patient Complaints first appeared on 4everlearning.
]]>The post Intravenous Sedation in General Dental Practice first appeared on 4everlearning.
]]>This comprehensive course provides a detailed overview of Intravenous Sedation for General Practice.
The course is divided into two sections:
Part 1 covers patient assessment and provides a wide range of situations to consider.
Part 2 deals with the pharmacology used in intravenous sedation.
Dr Andrew Jones BDShons, PgDipConSed.
Andrew offers several Dental Sedation Courses. He has been carrying out conscious sedation techniques since 2011. He has a range of experience in different conscious sedation techniques and besides numerous short courses, he has completed the prestigious Postgraduate Diploma in Conscious Sedation at Trinity College University, Dublin. He is a member of the DSTG and has written for several dental publications and journals on the topic of conscious sedation, most recently in Dentistry magazine on the topic of sedation use during full arch dental implant surgeries.Andrew is enthusiastic about improving the provision of safe effective conscious sedation for an increasingly anxious UK population. Andrew, along with a nationwide network of sedation diploma practitioners has developed the courses provided by dental sedation courses to provide the latest, fully accredited, high-quality peer-reviewed private courses available in the field of conscious sedation in dentistry.To find out more about the Dental Sedation Courses please visit here.
Part 1 – The success of sedation treatment is dependent on the selection and assessment of the patient.
Part 2 – An overview of the pharmacology used in IV Sedation.
To understand the importance of a good patient assessment and its impact on the success of the treatment. To build a good rapport to provide patient confidence. To have an overview of the pharmacology used in IV sedation.
C. Maintenance and development of knowledge and skill within your field of practice
Members can enrol now by logging in here, if you’re not yet a member you can register here.
The post Intravenous Sedation in General Dental Practice first appeared on 4everlearning.
]]>The post Safeguarding Children: An Overview of Child Protection Recommended Procedures for Dental Practices first appeared on 4everlearning.
]]>An overview of the importance of working together in dental practice for the protection of children. This course outlines the types of abuse to look out for and the signs of abuse.
It covers safeguarding from a child-centred approach and is based on the HM Government’s document – “Working Together to Safeguard Children”.
The course highlights the areas that Dental practices should be aware of and includes the latest GDC recommendations regarding Femail Genital Mutilation.
An overview of the importance of working together in dental practice for the protection of children.
A. Effective communication with patients, the dental team, and others across dentistry, including when obtaining consent, dealing with complaints, and raising concerns when patients are at risk.
B. Effective management of self, and effective management of others or effective work with others in the dental team, in the interests of patients at all times; providing constructive leadership where appropriate.
D. Maintenance of skills, behaviours and attitudes which maintain patient confidence in you and the dental profession and put patients’ interests first.
Members can enrol now by logging in here, if you’re not yet a member you can register here.
The post Safeguarding Children: An Overview of Child Protection Recommended Procedures for Dental Practices first appeared on 4everlearning.
]]>The post How to Improve a Smile with Aesthetic Crown Lengthening first appeared on 4everlearning.
]]>This three part series about aesthetic crown lengthening is brought to you by Surgical Master , an online dental community and learning environment specifically for dentists who wish to strengthen their skill sets, increase their confidence, learn surgical procedures and grow their practice.
Part 1: In part 1, Dr. Simon talks about meeting your patient for the first time, understanding their concerns, and helps you understand the reason for the concerns. He then reviews a treatment plan for the case and the rationale.
Part 2: In part 2, Dr. Simon covers the use of digital simulation to help the patient gain confidence and accept the treatment proposed. Creating a soft tissue blueprint.
Part 3: In part 3, Dr.Simon reviews the surgery step by step, with emphasis on important points and challenges that can occur.
Dr. Ziv Simon obtained his Dental Degree and Bachelor of Medical Sciences Degree from Tel Aviv University (where he also held a teaching position in the Department of Prosthodontics). He went on to receive his Master of Science Degree in Periodontology and a Periodontal Graduate Degree from the University of Toronto.
With an insatiable appetite for learning and growing, Dr. Simon conducted advanced research on bone engineering and dental implants. He relocated to the United States and founded the Beverly Hills Multidisciplinary Dental Study Group and served as director of the Beverly Hills Academy of Dentistry.
For more than 20 years he has been lecturing nationally and internationally on smile design, implant dentistry and tissue. He has also been teaching at the School of Dentistry, University of Southern California.
Dr. Simon explains, “Surgical Master is revolutionizing the way that continuing education for dentists is handled. We are delivering the game-changing knowledge and skill sets that dentist need to learn in order to elevate their practices and serve their patients at the highest levels. That creates more empowered dentists, more fulfilling and profitable practices, and more satisfied patients. In doing so, we’ve also developed a very positive fellowship of dentists here. It’s a supportive community of peers helping each other succeed, rather than seeing each other as a threat.”
To find out more about Surgical Master and the many courses they offer please visit their website:
A series of videos on aesthetic crown lengthening in which both the surgical considerations as well as the treatment options available are discussed.
C. Maintenance and development of knowledge and skill within your field of practice
Members can enrol now by logging in here, if you’re not yet a member you can register here.
The post How to Improve a Smile with Aesthetic Crown Lengthening first appeared on 4everlearning.
]]>The post Novel Decontamination & Disinfectant Techniques first appeared on 4everlearning.
]]>In this presentation Thomas Stuecken presents on novel decontamination technologies and disinfection techniques for in-built structures in the practice environment, such as floors, surfaces, dental chairs and sanitation areas.
Topics include:
– Modern ways of efficient cross infection control.
– An overview of mechanical and chemical control.
– Efficacy of Microfibre cleaning and methods of cleaning efficiently.
– Steam vapour with microfibre tools used for cleaning the healthcare environment.
Thomas Stuecken – Managing Director, Osprey Deep Clean.
An overview of mechanical and chemical control used in the dental surgery to help prevent cross infection.
To gain an understanding of modern new ways of efficient cross-infection control:
C. Maintenance and development of knowledge and skill within your field of practice
D. Maintenance of skills, behaviours and attitudes which maintain patient confidence in you and the dental profession and put patients’ interests first
Members can enrol now by logging in here, if you’re not yet a member you can register here.
The post Novel Decontamination & Disinfectant Techniques first appeared on 4everlearning.