BioMin F Toothpaste

Why BioMin F may be more effective than NovaMin

30m Verifiable CPD, 1 Module, 2 Resources, 1 Test

Course Summary

BioMin® F is a new generation of bioactive glass specifically optimised as a toothpaste additive. It features significant improvements on previous generations, such as NovaMin, the active ingredient in many sensitivity relieving toothpaste brands. An Italian study by Dr. Huda Hussain, Prof. Suhail Majid Jan, Dr. Roobal Behal suggests it may be more effective than NovaMin.

BioMin has developed a range of calcium phospho-silicates for use as additives in remineralising toothpastes to help reduce tooth decay and dentine hypersensitivity. The compositions are protected by a family of patents.

To find out more about BioMin and the science behind this new technology please click here 

Learning Content

To be equipped with the relevant scientific information to better advise patients on treatment options for dentine hypersensitivity.

Aims & Objectives

  1. Review of bioactive glasses and their use in dental products
  2. Understand how science has developed to deliver ‘smart’ effects
  3. Explore novel delivery techniques and fluoride concentration levels
  4. Identify research to show reduced sensitivity in patients

Development Outcomes

C. Maintenance and development of knowledge and skill within your field of practice

D. Maintenance of skills, behaviours and attitudes which maintain patient confidence in you and the dental profession and put patients’ interests first

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