
Child Protection Certificated Level 2

4hr30m Verifiable CPD, 6 Module, 11 Resources, 5 Tests

Course Summary

Over six modules we cover Level 2 Child Protection. This is a requirement for all clinical staff to have Level 2 and meets the requirements for inspectorates and the GDC.

You do not need to have achieved Level 1 to take Level 2 and this course is accessible to the whole dental team.

Speaker profile

Jo Russell, RDN Cert DPM Cert Ed MSET LCGI, Managing Director, Oracle Solutions.

Jo Russell is Managing Director of Oracle Practice Business Solutions (Oracle-PBS) and uses her 25 years in dentistry to help practices implement policies, including Health and Safety, Human Resources and CQC.

She also travels the country delivering CPD and training to the whole dental team. You can find out more about Oracle-PBS’ offerings here.  

Learning Content

  • By the end of all the modules you should have more confidence in spotting the signs of abuse in children and young people and know the reporting procedures in your practice and your geographical area
  • To make the learner more confident in both spotting the signs of abuse and making a referral

Aims & Objectives

  • Help you safeguard the children in your care, spot signs of abuse and know how to report and to whom
  • Information on child abuse
  • Signs and indicators
  • What to do if you have concerns
  • Case studies on good practice

Development Outcomes

A. Effective communication with patients, the dental team, and others across dentistry, including when obtaining consent, dealing with complaints, and raising concerns when patients are at risk

B. Effective management of self, and effective management of others or effective work with others in the dental team, in the interests of patients at all times; providing constructive leadership where appropriate

C. Maintenance and development of knowledge and skill within your field of practice

D. Maintenance of skills, behaviours and attitudes which maintain patient confidence in you and the dental profession and put patients’ interests first

Members can enrol now by logging in here, if you’re not yet a member you can register here.

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