1hr 15mins Verifiable CPD, 3 Modules, 4 Resources
Course Summary
Practical Information Governance – July 2021
In this three part series from Glenys Bridges, you will be taken through the new NHS and GDPR data responsibilities. The learning material will explain how your practice can meet these new responsibilities and explore the requirements for team training.
Part 1 – focusses on the Data Security and Protection (DSP) for healthcare organisations
Part 2 – covers the new Data Security and Protection Toolkit
Part 3 – provides guidance on the rules and responsibilities including the 7 GDPR and 6 legal bases for data collection

Speaker Profile
This course is kindly provided by Glenys Bridges MCIPD,RDN
To find out more about the many courses Glenys and her partners offer, please visit: www.glenys-bridges.co.uk
Glenys Bridges has many years of experience in training and consultancy with all types of dental practices. Having developed qualifications in practice management, reception and treatment coordination she has trained more than 1,000 dental professionals. Over the years she has been a regular contributor to dental journals and has spoken at conferences throughout the UK and in Europe.
Glenys is the managing partner at Glenys Bridges and Partners Practice Pathways , specialising in delivering training and qualifications for dentists, nurses, practice managers, receptionists, treatment coordinators and mentors. She strongly believes in a whole team approach for high-quality patient care, and this is evident in her approach to training and development. Now more than ever the greatest investment made by dental practices is in their people, and her mission is to ensure her clients see an excellent return on their investment.
Glenys lectures widely and is has a number of books published. She is also one of the founding members of the British Dental Practice Managers Association (BDPMA).
To find out more about the many courses Glenys and her partners offer, please visit: www.glenys-bridges.co.uk
Learning Content
- To understand the new NHS and GDPR responsibilities
- Define ways to meet these new responsibilities
- Explore requirements for team training
Aims & Objectives
- To gain the knowledge and understanding of GDPR and to be able to develop a practice policy in line with GDPR.
- To review and develop policy in line with enhanced data security and protection measures and safeguard data owners rights
Development Outcomes
A. Effective communication with patients, the dental team, and others across dentistry, including when obtaining consent, dealing with complaints, and raising concerns when patients are at risk
B. Effective management of self, and effective management of others or effective work with others in the dental team, in the interests of patients at all times; providing constructive leadership where appropriate
D. Maintenance of skills, behaviours and attitudes which maintain patient confidence in you and the dental profession and put patients’ interests first
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