55mins Verifiable CPD, 1 Module, 1 Learning Resource
Course Summary
In this comprehensive overview, John Horton discusses the initial protocols and procedures that all dental practices should be familiar with in the initial management of medical emergencies in the dental surgery.
Speaker Profile
Mr John Horton, MEd. BEd. Dip.IMCRCSEd. MC Para.Paramedic/Clinical Skills Tutor, Anglia Ruskin University, Chelmsford Essex.
John is a HCPC registered Operating Department Practitioner & Paramedic with a Master’s Degree in Medical Education, and is a Clinical Skills Tutor at Anglia Ruskin University, Chelmsford.
He is an immediate care practitioner, responding on behalf of The East of England Ambulance Trust as a voluntary member of the BASICS Essex Accident Rescue Service, providing pre-hospital emergency care at road traffic collisions and other emergencies.
John has gained a vast amount of clinical experience from working remotely as a Paramedic in South Africa & the US, and has experience of expedition medicine from projects in Iceland and Goa.
He has taught on Industry Paramedic, US Paramedic, Flight Paramedic and hostile environment medical courses in the US and Europe.
He is an instructor for Resuscitation Council UK and The RCS, England, BASICS and is an examiner at The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh for the Diploma of Immediate Care.
In a very busy career, John has also managed to amass over 20 years of experience in delivering medical emergency & CPR training to dental surgeries in the UK, providing sessions for individual surgeries as well as corporate contracts such as Oasis & BUPA.
Learning Content
An overview of the practical steps to be taken in the initial management of medical emergencies in the dental surgery.
Aims & Objectives
- To understand the term “Duty of care” and its application within the surgery’s emergency policy and procedure protocols.
- To be able to recognise the signs and symptoms associated with common medical emergencies.
- To be able to recognise the signs of deterioration and the need to activate the Emergency Medical Services (EMS).
- To be able to provide basic treatment until the arrival of EMS.
Development Outcomes
C. Maintenance and development of knowledge and skill within your field of practice
D. Maintenance of skills, behaviours and attitudes which maintain patient confidence in you and the dental profession and put patients’ interests first